NSFW不行我还是要说 Show more
不行我还是要说 Show more
Carlos is the religious experience I don’t know that I need
As a PhD in Humanities I am spending all my time saying that the humanity is such a plastic, mutable, white-male-centric concept. But eh Carlos Barat this cis white man actually make me believe more in humanity if such a concept does exist
NSFW不行我还是要说 - 后续非NSFW Show more
完了以后和另一个朋友聊,我说我感觉我脑子都被日出去了另一个朋友(看了好几场):连续看挺感觉给我造成了智商损伤我:。我:It's like 电击,但更好。对我精神状况有好处。妈的,好地狱。我:等等,皮卡现在为什么还有智商真是历史之谜。
@aglarien 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊
@sharkieCC it’s so cathartic. 100% recommend. Better than CBT anyway
Carlos is the religious experience I don’t know that I need