还是给浮士德/马洛点播一首粥歌《live forever》吧

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文字版的话搜The historie of foure-footed beastes Describing the true and liuely figure of euery beast, with a discourse of their seuerall names, conditions, kindes, vertues (both naturall and medicinall) countries of their breed, their loue and hate to mankinde, and the wonderfull worke of God in their creation, preseruation, and destruction. Necessary for all diuines and students, because the story of euery beast is amplified with narrations out of Scriptures, fathers, phylosophers, physitians, and poets: wherein are declared diuers hyerogliphicks, emblems, epigrams, and other good histories, collected out of all the volumes of Conradus Gesner, and all other writers to this present day. By Edward Topsell.

我交给老师们的writing开头: Now is Month 3. (我在讲博论进度)

The Wisdom of Doctor Dodypoll (1600)

(The Floating Island,1636年在国王面前表演的大学戏剧)

突然意识到最后1p Foggy踢翻了椅子诶,好萌……


Matt: It's the first time I've ever seen him. It is a glance that only lasts a moment.
...In a way...
...I know it will last a lifetime.
还有之后一辑里Matt安慰Foggy说You're more than a partner to me. You're more than a friend.
你 怎 么 知 道 我 想 看 这 个 我 觉 得 我 柏 拉 图 life partner 从来 没 吃 这 么 好 过

在复习Jonson&sodomity&Italian influence的文化然后看到这个:

And there’s some really good life advice in this short story!!!!

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I'm sorry but it's kinda hilarious Andrew Marvell why every time you appear in my historical research you're either Milton's best friend or a jester

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