@Cookiejar 是的,在一部分一二线城市,国家已经开始推行老小区改造工程(因为很多住宅区到现在是建了二三十年了,世纪之交的时候房地产扩张的结果)现在主要是排查险情之类的,但是第一批买这些商品房的那部分人也变老了,考虑这个点很有必要,不知道哪里可以提建议在老小区改造工程里加入适老化改造
@OutsideTheWall @board 网上有不少下载的第三方软件和网站,注意防一下病毒就好
@sharkieCC 确实(
我又来推(黄)文了,Matt/Fogy take of his body by Tenebrica
@NaryaKoo 好好好好好
Take of his body这篇文我觉得有个比较特别的点就是,它虽然性幻想的成分很重(as any erotic literature should be)but you can tell that the author is more knowledgeable than the others about how male bodies work. 有时候看男同黄文的时候你可以很明显地感觉出作者是女性身体而且没有玩过/了解过anal sex,which is fine,queer projection is fine. 但这篇文make me wonder whether the author is in a BDSM relationship with a man in real life. Which is so hot btw.
Come on you gotta choose your weapon, J-45 or AK-47